Calling all Top Dogs and Fine Feathered Friends!

Sponsors receive recognition and perks for their generous gifts.
The Paws & Claws Gala welcomes new and existing sponsors to take part in this fun evening that raises the woof and directly supports the Edmonton Humane Society.
By coming on board as a sponsor, you have the opportunity to connect your business to an amazing event that draws over 400 animal loving guests. Depending on the different sponsorship levels, there are many benefits to sponsoring including cross promoting your business in gala advertising, logos on the website, and even more!
Hop to it, and check out the details!
Please click the button to download the Sponsorship Package. There are several options to choose from so you’re sure to find one that’s just right for you! You can also find more information about the different packages on the right side of this page.
Download a Sponsorship PackageThank you!
…to all our amazing Sponsors who have generously supported the Paws & Claws Gala. With your help we are able to create an awesome evening celebrating the love of animals and the Edmonton Humane Society success stories, as well as generate funds to support their much needed programs and services.
Sponsorship Package Options:
- Top Dog ($5,000 Cash)
- Cat's Meow ($2,500 Cash)
- Free As A Bird ($1,000 Cash)
- Best Buds Donation in Kind (Goods & Services $1,000 +)
- Friend For Life (Live Auction Item)
- Loyal Pals (Silent Auction)
Top Dog’s Receive:
With this unique sponsorship, you will be an essential part of every guest’s evening. Your sponsorship will help create an exciting atmosphere for everyone in attendance. You will be recognized throughout the event space and profiled as a major partner. As one of our Top Dog sponsors, enjoy 8 tickets for you and your guests to share your philanthropic aspirations with all guests at the gala.
Exclusive recognition of one of the following:
- Entertainment: Logo on stage backdrop during entertainment, company name/logo beside any mention of the entertainment in the program
- Auction Area: Logo on wall in Auction area, logo on each bid sheet, logo on all Auction Area signage
- Gala Portraits: Logo on all printed and emailed gala portraits, logo on all Portrait signage
- Stuffie Raffle: Logo on every stuffie, logo on all raffle tickets, logo on all Stuffie Raffle signage
- 50/50 Raffle: Logo on raffle tickets, logo on all 50/50 signage
Cat’s Meow Receive:
Our Cat’s Meow Collection allows you to sponsor a specific component of our gala that aligns in a meaningful way with your business or philanthropic objectives. Be part of the excitement with individualized recognition. Enjoy 4 tickets to the gala to share with family members, friends, colleagues or clients.
Exclusive recognition of one of the following:
- Centerpieces: Logo on tent card beside every centerpiece
- Table Wine: Logo on tag on every bottle of table wine
- Dessert Table: Logo on custom printed chocolates on desserts, logo on signage next to dessert table
- Volunteer Program: Logo on every volunteer name tag, logo on volunteer room signage
- Adoptable Animal Area: Naming of the Adoptable Animal Area, logo on Animal Area signage
Free As A Bird’s Exposure
- 2 Gala tickets
- Logo recognition in the Gala program
- Logo recognition on large screens throughout the event
- Logo recognition on the Gala signage
Best Bud’s Donation in Kind
- Recognition in the Gala program
- Logo recognition on large screens throughout the event
- Logo recognition on Gala signage
Friend For Life (Live Auction Item) Exposure
- Recognition in Gala program
- Recognition on the Live Auction Gala signage
Loyal Pal’s (Silent Auction Item) Exposure
- Recognition on Gala website